Hanna, James


James Hanna has had over sixty story publications and three Pushcart nominations. He is a regular contributor to Literally Stories. James’ latest book, “Shackles and More Crippling Tales,” includes an introduction from Hugh Cron, Diane Dickson, and Nik Eveleigh.


The Sicilian 
“The Sicilian” is included in James Hanna’s short story anthology A Second, Less Capable Head: And Other Rogue Stories? available as an ebook on Amazon.
Exposed.   Please note “Exposed” is included in the anthology A Second Less Capable Head: And Other Rogue Stories? The book was just shortlisted for the Book Viral Book Award
The Body in the Bay 
Cheating the Jail Out of Time 
Breaking Vials. James informs us that “Breaking Vials” first appeared in Empty Sink Publishing: A Journal for Intellectual Deviants?”
The Siege 
The Outback
The Hangings –  originally published in A Lonely Riot Magazine
The Time My Dad Chewed Out a Cop
Crossing the Jordan (A Novel Excerpt)
The Dress
Little Miss Twinkle Toes
Busting Willie Sherman
Strutting Hog  – this was previously published by  Red Savina Review.
Did You See the Tasmanian Devil?
Sowbelly Trio

Biff Malibu
Christian Ladies of Wrestling
Samoa Moa