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Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year


When Adam West first came up with the idea for the site and drew together our little band we thought it would be fun.  All five editors are passionate about Short Fiction, the reading and writing of it.  I don’t think any of us realised just how much fun it would be – and how much work.  We have spent many, many hours putting together a site that we are now very proud of.

We decided right at the start that we would aim for quality over quantity and because of that we have rejected (oh my goodness there is that horrible word) a large number of stories, including many of our own which go through the very same editing process as any other submissions.   Yes, we know just how much it hurts!!

We have been delighted with the reaction from fellow authors and now, as we take a little break over the Christmas and New Year period we just wanted to say:-

Thank you so much

Thank you to the readers who have come back over and over, thank you to the commenters who have given us and our authors so much encouragement and:-

Thank you so much

To the authors who have given us their babies and accepted our suggestions and, yes even rejections with good humour and understanding.

In the few months that we have been running the site has had well over six thousand hits and we have published over twenty stories.  We are already working on the running order ready for the New Year but we are looking forward to receiving many more pieces.  So, if you want to join in please have a look at the submission guidelines and send us your short fiction.

Literally Stories wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and All Good Things in 2015.


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